Films Produced, Written and Directed by Tony De Nonno

Films Produced, Written and Directed by Tony De Nonno

/> 1970 The Kiss of Death
1971 El Fang-Dango
1972 It's All in My Hands
1977 Part of Your Loving
1979 One Generation is Not Enough
1980 Moira: A Vision of Blindness
1980 Fleetwood Mac
1981 The Ways of the Wind
1981 It's One Family: Knock on Wood
1982 Itzhak Perlman: In My Case Music
1982 Dancing's All of You
1983 Anne Akiko Meyers: Beyond the Gift of Music
1983 Just Be Me
1984 Housing with a Heart; The Enterprise Foundation
1985 Just Be Me
1985 Navigation Without Sight
1986 Liberty Minutes
1986 Portraits of Liberty
1987 a3520 for Piano Solo*
1988 Fast and Sexy
1989 A Fistful of Words
1990 Everybody Rejoice
1991 The Morris Magnet School for the Arts
1991 Antonio Meucci: The Father of the Telephone
1991 A Cause for Celebration
1992 Ethnic Sharing: Valuing Diversity
1993 Rebuilding the South Bronx: The Story of SEBCO
1994 Italian American Visions: Portraits of 20th Century Immigration
1995 An Empowering Partnership
1996-1997 The UN in Queens: A Global Celebration
1998 Teaching Technology to the World
2000 Tai Chi and Seniors: A Meditation in Movement
2001-2005 Heaven Touches Brooklyn in July
2003 Teaching Technology to the World
2004 A Gift of Joy
2004 New York City Through Time: The Museum of the City of New York
2004 Public Schools are Everybody's Business
2005 Forming Men for All Seasons
2006 Young People: Building Bridges to a Safer World
2010 John LaCorte: A Monument to History
2010 Serving Society With Heart:UNICO National's 85-Year Contribution to America
2007-2010 From Devastation to Celebration: The South Bronx: A Community Reborn
2007-2010 A Century of Laughter, Heart and Song: The Art of Italian Comedy in America