Singing Stream, Transcription
From the special Singing Stream issue of the North Carolina Folklore Journal, Vol 36, No. 1 (Winter-Spring 1989).
Part 1

Bertha: One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. You know when I tell
people I had eight boys, a lot of people didn't believe it. Eight boys and two
girls. Three girls. And then I had lost two girls at birth. I'd of had five girls.
Ain't that something! And I am still here. I don't know how I done it! I just
don't know how. But the Lord was with me. He had to be.
Traveling shot from car of rural Creedmoor. Film title runs.
Song: "A Union in Heaven.
There's a union in the heaven where I belong.
There's a union in the heaven where I belong.
There's a union in the heaven where I belong.
Oh, I belong to the union band.
There's singing in the heaven where I belong.
There's singing in the heaven where I belong.
There's singing in the heaven where I belong.
Fleming drives car through coun tryside. He travels down dirt road to homeplace and greets his mother.
Fleming: I left here in '46 and I haven't been back since-not to stay. Most people look forward to seeing each other, especially the brothers and sisters, for the family reunion. That's where we all get to see each other without going to a whole lot of places.
Members of family greet Fleming.
Bertha and Fleming sit in front of house.
Bertha: [Voice over.] I guess I told you that I had a large family. Eight boys and three girls. As the boys grew up, I saw that they had a talent for singing. I began to realize that they had a singing stream coming from both (Formal photograph of family singers) sides of the family. I wanted them to grow up and be involved in something that was worthwhile-and something that would bring them joy and happiness as they grew up in years. So I began to teach 'em.

Fleming leads Claude, Tony, and grandson Ken Daniel in song. Bertha,
her daughter Priscilla, and wives of the brothers sit in kitchen in
Song: "Jezebel."
Jezebel ...Jezebel ...Jezebel ... Oh, Jezebel
God's got tired of your wicked ways.
You know the angels in heaven done numbered your days.
He said your evil deeds.
God done got tired.
You got to go to judgment and stand the trial.
You got to go to judgment and stand the trial.
You got to go to judgment and stand the trial.
Jezebel, woman hear God talking.
He said he's tired of your wicked ways.
Why don't you stop still, stop, stand, listen.
I'll tell you the story about Jezebel.
'Cause her sins was so wicked, Jehovah got angry.
Her soul went to leapin' and jumpin' in hell.
Way back yonder in the olden days.
John told Jezebel about her ways.
Say, "Your evil deeds have ruined the land.
You repent for the kingdom of God is at hand."
She got mad at John cause he told her about the gospel.
Told her servants to boil him in oil.
But they tell me God looked from the windows of heaven.
Spoke the word, this oil wouldn't boil.
Raised his hand, the creation trembled.
Stamped his feet, time stood still.
Raised his voice to look down and thunder,
"John go do my will."
Then it's Jezebel, Jezebel, Jezebel, oh Jezebel!
God's got tired of the wicked ways.
You know the angels in heaven done numbered your days.
You know your evil deeds.
God done got tired.
You got to go to judgment and stand the trial.
You got to go to judgment and stand the trial.
You got to go to judgment and stand the trial.
You got to go to judgment and stand your trial.
John drives by Landis land. He points out Claude's house, lake, homeplace, Ken Daniel's trailer, Priscilla Daniel's shop.
John: One of my brothers, one of the members, you know, of the Golden Echoes, this is where he lives. And that was one of my father's pride and joy when he built that pond down here and stocked it with fish. Over there is the home house where all of the children was raised. In this particular house over there, that's when we was really farming with something like fifteen to sixteen acres of tobacco. Kenneth, the one that plays bass instruments and lead, he lives over there where you see the red car. This is my sister lives here. They are in the upholstery business. They have an upholstery shop. And this is where I live. l've been here ever since 1959.

chandeliers in formal living room. Closeup of clock on mantle. Camera
pans back up to John.
John: Before my father had passed, I asked him one day, I says, "Can I have
this clock that you have here?" He says "Yeah, I'll let you have it on one condition." I said, "What is that?" He said, "That clock belonged to my father's father's father's clock. That's where all started from." And he said, "It was handed down to me and I'll let you have the clock on one condition-that you never sell it." He said, "Now don't ever sell that clock." And I promised him that I wouldn't. And I'll never sell it.
Still photos of singing groups:
1. Fleming in the Swannee Lark Singers
2. Tony with unidentitified group.
3. John and Claude in Golden Echoes.
Bertha: [Voice over.] They took back after my father. And he had a brother that taught music and sang, and my mother had two brothers that taught music and sang. And they just inherited it, that's all. They just inherited.

Golden Echoes rehearse in John's garage. John leads Golden Echoes in
rehearsal of "Going Up to Meet Him."
Song: "Going Up to Meet Him."
Oh, by and by. By and by
By and by. By and by.
Said, I'm going on going on a chariot ride.
Oh, I'm going up to meet him in the air.
Oh, Jesus. Jesus.
Jesus. Jesus.
Said, you saved my soul one day.
John: [Voice over.) The way groups really originated: they started from your own church. You know, you'd be singing in the choir, maybe you could find out this guy could sing, this person could sing. And after singing in your church, maybe rehearsing a little bit, you would get together on your own. Then you'd try to see if you could make it with a group.
Song: "Going up to Meet Him" continues.
Jesus. Jesus.
Jesus. Jesus.
Said, you saved my soul one day.
. . . I'm going up.
Nothing but joy, joy and happiness.
Peace, peace forever.
We will tell, tell the story
About his wonderful, wonderful glory.
Said, I'm going up to meet him in the air.
Said, I'm going up to meet him, meet him.
I'm going up to meet him, meet him.
Joy, joy and happiness.
Peace, peace forever.
We will tell, tell the story
About his wonderful, wonderful glory.
Said I'm going up to meet him in the air ....
Bertha: [Voice over.] I listen to 'em here sometime when they're rehearsing, but I don't hardly ever goes with 'em 'cause they go all the time. They're singing somewhere about every Sunday. They've been around Henderson, (Golden Echoes poster.) around Fayetteville, around Roxboro, Burlington, and they've been to Chicago several times, and to Newark, New Jersey.
Cars and people arrive for 1981 anniversary concert at the Hawley Elementary School.
I don't know how many times they've been up there. They've been all over North Carolina singing. I don't know no places or no churches hardly where they ain't been.

MC: Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you the Golden Echoes.
Golden Echoes march in as group through applauding crowd. They
perform, and crowd responds.
Song: "Trouble of this World."
Said I soon will be done, trouble,trouble of this world.
Singing days down here gonna soon be over.
Oh, I soon will be done.
I'm not worried about it. No.
Said, I'm going, you know that I am, some day now.

If you see my mother, would you tell her don't cry.
'Cause she knows that her child was born to die.
Would you tell her that I'll meet her over in that glory land.
'Cause I'm going, you know that I am, some day now.
If you tell my heaven, tell my Heavenly King
Tell Him I'm coming on home on that morning train.
Where my burdens and my sorrows, they won't be so hard to bear.
I'm going to live . . . oh! with God.
Said, I soon will be done.
I'm not worried. Trouble of this world.
Meet my father. Trouble of this world.
Meet my mother. Trouble of this world. _
Then I'm going to live with God.
Good God a'mighty . . . I'm not worried about it.
[Repeat chorus.]
Song ends with instrumental section

Bertha: Now my father was bitterly against any kind of music in the church
because when he was single he (Still photos of Bertha's father.) played the
banjo, the fiddle and the mandolin-that's what he played. And he thought,
you know, that because was playing that when he was out in the world it was wrong to bring it into the church. But how he learned how (Still photo of her father and stepmother reading newspaper in dentist's waiting room.) to sing shape notes. My mother had to teach him him 'cause he couldn't read. My father couldn't read when he and my mother got married. And he used to write to her, he was in Uniontown, Pennsylvania-that's where he worked at. And he would write to her and he couldn't spell none of the words right. And when the letter would get to the post office, and it would stay there. So he went to the post office, he said, to see about why my mother didn't never get the letters he wrote her. And the postmaster said, "Is you the fella that writes with the red ink?" [Laughs.] He said, "Yes." "Well, all your letters come back." [Laughs.] "All the letters you ever wrote come back."
Claude comes out front door ot homeplace and hands Bertha shape note hymnal. She looks through it.
Bertha: [Voice over.] When my father would go off to teach a choir after I got Iarge enough to sing, he'd take me with him to different churches to help him teach this choir how to sing.
Still photo of Bertha's father with girls behind him.
He'd go to sleep coming back home. That was horse and buggy days. He'd go to sleep and I'd drive the horse and buggy home. He'd have me singing bass and tenor and alto, and he'd sing the soprano. And then I'd help show them how to sing the bass: Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, Ti, Sol, Do, Do, Do. My father would motion, and I helped sing the alto and helped sing the tenor and everything, teaching them how to sing.

Song: "Love Lifted Me."
Love lifted me.
Love lifted me.
When nothing else would help
Love lifted me.
Love lifted me.
Love lifted me.
When nothing else would help
Love lifted me.
Claude sits on porch. Scene shifts to Bertha talking in house. Camera photograph of Claude.
Bertha: Claude was born with a veil over his face. His grandmother pulled It it off, and she pulled it back this way. It just looked like a black veil. And she said, "This boy is going to do something. I don't know what he going to be, but he going to be unusual."
And when we'd known anything, he was writing songs. You'd see him go way over yonder in the woods and stay. I didn't know what he was doing, but he was writing songs.

Song: "Who Is This Man?"
Who is this man?
The one that walks up and down this road
With a sack on his back
Just carrying his heavy load.
Said, I got to go now, but I don't drive a new, shiny car.
But I get where I'm going
Oh, whether it's near or far.
No, people don't know me, sir
No, not like they do you.
But when we all reach Canaan Land,
My Father, he'll know me too.
Who is this man?
He walks up and down these roads.
With a sack on his back
Just carrying his heavy load.
Distant shot of exterior of homeplace. Family group sits in front on benches and chairs.
Bertha: [Voice over.] They used to be singing upstairs. Two bedrooms upstairs when they was here, and they were singing across the hall, you know. And their daddy would holler at 'em and tell 'em to hush that fuss up there. They'd be singing and patting their foot, (Still photo of Bertha and Coy with cigar.) you know, over top of our heads. And he'd holler at 'em, "Cut that fuss out." I'd say, "Well, let 'em sing. They ain't out doing no mischief or nothing."
Still photo of Bertha and Coy with fiftieth wedding anniversary cake.
Bertha: He kept his vow and I kept mine. We stayed together sixty-two years. He used to tell people, say, "I didn't promise to stay with you but twenty years." I said, "Well, its time you're gone." [Laughs.] But he was nice, he was just plain nice. And he table. was a good farmer. That's how we got this place, 'cause he was a good farmer.
Still photo of Coy and Bertha's father.
Doshie: Do you know what they was thinking about when that picture was made? What they could do for us to go to work...

after they got through with the pictures. We went over to Grandpa's that day because some people was there from-where'd they live, Mamma?
Bertha: Pennsylvania.
Doshie: From Pennsylvania. You know we never had seen a car from Pennsylvania. It had Pennsylvania license plates on there. And we stopped work to go over there to see these people from Pennsylvania. That was before Priscilla's time.
Priscilla: Long before. [Laughs.]
Doshie: And we got over there. Daddy called himself dressed up. (Still photo of Coy. Camera pans up his striped pants.) He put on a pair of striped pants and a shirt. He didn't take no bath. He washed his face and his neck and his feet. That's all that got washed. [Laughs.] And we went over there, and they were sitting on the porch making pictures. As soon as they got through making that picture, we had to come and go to the field.

Robert: I'm going to beg that mule's pardon, and I'm going away from here. I ain't coming back. Anybody told me fifteen years ago I'd be sitting right here living right over there.
Bertha: You didn't ever think you'd come back down here.
Fleming: I ain't never said I wouldn't come back here to live.
Robert: 'Cause I didn't learn nothing on the farm. I only did what Daddy told me and I didn't do too much of that-not very much of it.
Fleming: He'd say, "Robert, Robert."
Bertha: Robert was fat; he couldn't get around like the rest of them.
Fleming: Mama, Robert wasn't that fat. Robert was fat, but he wasn't that fat.
Robert: I was lazy.
Fleming: That's right.
Robert: I won't deny that. I'm still lazy, but I always would work a job. You know, I never would steal nothing.
Fleming: In other words, 'cause you had to.
Robert: I'd work if I had to.
Bertha: You wasn't no better to work than none of the rest of 'em.
Robert: I just didn't like to farm. Daddy had too many "get ups".
Bertha: He'd make you hoe that row three or four times till you got that row straight.
Robert: He'd be at the house, and you'd decide to rest awhile. He'd walk down and look at that dirt, and see how dry it was. He'd know how long you'd been standing there. You know, he could tell just how long you'd been standing there on that plow. He'd say, "How long you been standin' there?" "I just sat down." "No, you ain't!" Bamm! He hit you aside the head. "That dirt's dry. You've been standing at least ten minutes."
A Singing Stream main page |
A Transcription of A Singing Stream From the special Singing Stream issue of the North Carolina Folklore Journal, Vol 36, No. 1 (Winter-Spring 1989). |
• Part 3 |
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8. John shows Bill Braswell old photo of the Rising Star gospel group. 9. Bill points out members of Rising Star group. John: They took my picture, and they turned around and took the whole group's picture. Bill Braswell: We were really something. There's Fleming. There's Robert, his brother, behind him. There's his other brother, Truzell, standing right there. That's my cousin, the guitar player, Urcel. There's his brother Nurris. And that's me. The big man, the big man on the end, Big Bill Braswell. Fleming, Claude, Robert, Truzell Landis, and Big Bill Braswell from the original Rising Stars sing. Family members look on. |
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Song: "When Was Jesus Born?" Tell me, when was Jesus born? Last month in the year. Want you tell me when was Jesus born? Last month in the year. January? No. February? No, no, no, no, no, no. March, April, or May? Ha, ha, ha . . . June, July, August, September, October, November, About the twenty-fifth day of December. God a'mighty, the last month of the year. They tell me he was born of a virgin. Lord, he was wrapped up in a swaddling. God'a'mighty Iyin' in a manger. January, February, March, April, or May Ha, ha, ha, June, July, August, September, October, November, About the twenty-fifth day of December. Last month in the year. Echoes of Heaven tour farm with Granville County cousins. They see cow in field. Echoes of Heaven and cousins: [Dialogue.] We almost wrecked the car 'cause there's a cow. "A cow, you all look." We stopped to let Tyrone takes pictures of the cow. Ain't never been to the country in his life. They're really gonna be fascinated by this pig. |
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They photograph cow. Here we go. Ya'll get ready to run. Take it kind of fast. [Laughter.] Come on, don't be scared now. Go closer than that. Go closer. Feed it to him. LaNette, go closer. . Cows don't have tails, do they? Yeah, cows have tails. You ain't no country gal, is you. She ain't never been to the South. That's a heifer. It's a girl. A bull? A bull is a heifer? Unh-huh, it's a girl. A girl is a heifer. A girl is a heifer. She ain't no bull. That's a cow? You told me it was a bull: "Let's take a picture of the bull." Let's get out of this field now. Who can take all this sun? Cousins talk more and walk to Ken Daniel's trailer home. Interior of Ken Daniel trailer. Players ready instruments. Fleming and Echoes of Heaven talk about singing. Fleming: Wait a minute. Let me fix it for ya. Okay, ya'll running away from your words. That's what you're doing is you're cutting your words too short. Show me where you had it at. [He sings verse.] Echoes of Heaven sing, and family listens to performance. |
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Song: "Trouble in My Way." Trouble in my way Trouble in my way I have to cry sometime Have to cry sometime. Oh, trouble in my way I have to cry sometime. I stay awake at night That's all right. Jesus he will fix it after while. After while. Trouble in my way Trouble in my way I have to moan sometimes, I have to moan whoo, whoo. So much trouble Trouble in my way I have to moan sometimes, I have to moan whoo, whoo. I lay awake at night I lay awake at night. But that's all right That's all right Jesus, he will fix it after while. After while. Stepped in the furnace Stepped in the furnace. Long time ago Long time ago. Shadrach and Meshach Shadrach and Meshach And Abednego And Abednego... |
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Ken Daniel: I guess this family is kind of based around music and singing. (Ken Daniel talks in his kitchen.) You know, I've been around music and as long as I can remember. Grandma and all our uncles and my mother and father-they've always been singing. You know, I don't know myself personally, but talking to Grandma. You know, her father and his father, they were all musicians. She used to tell me the stories about them going places on Saturday night playing the fiddle, harmonica, and all this stuff. Providing entertainment. Everybody you see in here now either plays something or sings something. Golden Echoes sing at concert. Audience responds. Karen Landis sings with John Landis and Golden Echoes. |
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Song: "Going Up to Meet Him." Oh, by and by. By and by. Oh, by and by. By and by. Said, I'm going on a chariot ride. By and by. By and by. By and by. By and by. Said, I'm going on a chariot ride. Aw, yes I am. By and by. Said, I'm going on a chariot ride. That's why I'm going up to meet him in the air. Said, I'm going up to meet him. Going up to meet him. Nothing but joy and happiness. Peace forever. Peace forever. We will tell, tell the story About his wonderful, wonderful glory. Said, I'm going up to meet him in the air. Said, I'm going up to meet him. Said, I'm going up to meet him. Nothing but joy and happiness. Peace forever. We will tell, tell the story About his wonderful, wonderful glory Said, I'm going up to meet him. I'm going up to meet him. Said, I'm going up to meet him in the air. I'm going, said I'm going. If you don't go, don't hinder me. God'a'mighty, if you don't go, don't hinder me. Can I count on you? What about you? If my mother don't go She can't hinder me. If my father don't go, He can't hinder me. _ You can't hinder me. And you, and you. |
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Karen Landis joins her uncle John in singing Mother,will you meet me there? Sister, will you meet me there? Brother, will you meet me there? Echoes are gonna be there. Singing everywhere. Going up to meet him. Going up to meet him. Will you meet me there? _ Echoes of Heaven sing. Well, I've been to the river And I've been baptized. My soul has been converted Right now I feel all right. Going up to meet him Going up to meet him. Going up to meet him.... Bertha: [Voice over at end of song.] These old songs, even though they are old, every time that they are sung, they sound new. It's just like the Bible: you can take the Bible and read it over and over and, every time you read the word of God, it's new. It never gets old. Exterior of Rock Springs Baptist Church. Church interior. Family attends reunion service. |
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Song: "Come and Let's Go to That Land." Come and let's go to that land. Come and let's go to that land. Come and let's go to that land where I'm bound. Come and let's go to that land. Come and let's go to that land. Come and let's go to that land where I'm bound. Service continues. Doshie announces ceremony remembering those who have died in past year. Family sings; Fleming leads. Song: "He'll Understand." If when you try and fail in your trying, Hands sore and scarred from the work you have done, Take up your cross and run swiftly to meet him. He'll understand and say "well done." |
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Bruce Tharrington, Jessie Mae's husband, preaches. [Sermon fragment.] A pine tree will do when nothing else is there. Go on your knees. God will find a way just as sure as you are born. He'll lift you up. I know it seems at times that the odds are leaning in our society away from those who have not, but I'm here to tell you right now if you'll hold on, if you'll hold out, victory is sure on the way just as sure as you are born to die. Family sings. Song: "Trusting in Jesus." Jesus, calling to Jesus. Jesus, in my soul. For I have touched the hem of his garment And his blood has made me whole. Jesus, trusting in Jesus. Jesus, in my soul. For I have touched the hem of his garment And his blood has made me whole. |
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Bertha is presented award. Bertha: I was one of the founders of this family reunion. Myself, my husband Coy Landis, and my mother-in-law, his mother, Lula Landis Bullock Eaton. We organized this reunion, we talked about it, and we acted about it, and we got it going. And it's still going. And when I'm gone to heaven, it will still be going on. Family sings, led by John. |
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Song: "Union in Heaven." .. [Chorus:] There's a union up in heaven, where I belong. There's a union up in heaven, where I belong. There's a union up in heaven, where I belong. I belong to that union band. Oh, Sister, didn't I tell you so I belong to that union band I am on my way and I must go I belong to that union band. There's a union up in heaven, where I belong. There's a union up in heaven, where I belong. There's a union up in heaven, where I belong to that union band. |
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Exterior shot of homeplace. Family gets ready to be photographed in front of house Bertha: [Voice over.] When we bought this place we had to go over there and take out group insurance. And the people had to pass us to go into the other room. And they would stop and take a look. "Is this all your children?" "Yes." "Well that beats all I ever seen. One, two, three, four, five," sometimes they would count to twenty, and they're weren't but eleven of 'em. And they'd count all the way to twenty "You ever whip them?" "Yeah, I keep a switch in the kitchen and one in the house." "How do you feed them?" He said, "I grow everything I eat except sugar and coffee." "Well, what do you do?" He looked at me. Everybody'd pass there would ask the same question. I said, "I cook and wash and iron and work in the field." Credits run across series of photographs from Landis family collections. Song: "Mighty Close to Heaven." Mighty close to heaven, mmmmm. Mighty close to heaven, mmmmm. Mighty close to heaven, mmmmm. When I live with Jesus all alone. Mighty close to heaven, mmmmm. Mighty close to heaven, mmmmm. I get mighty close to heaven through my tears. I see death come creeping Leaves their loved ones sleeping Crushing my poor heart with grief and fear. When my friends can't answer _ Turning to my master I get close to heaven through my tears. Mighty close to heaven, mmmmm. Mighty close to heaven, mmmmm. Mighty close to heaven, mmmmm. I get mighty close to heaven through my tears. |
A Singing Stream main page |
A Transcription of A Singing Stream From the special Singing Stream issue of the North Carolina Folklore Journal, Vol 36, No. 1 (Winter-Spring 1989). Part 1 - 18 minutes, 45 seconds |
• Acknowledgments |
Funding |