Elizabeth Barret

Elizabeth Barret is the producer/director of the acclaimed media production Stranger with a Camera, a personal and poetic interrogation of the documentary genre that raises far-reaching questions about what it means to take pictures.  Her place-based work is produced in association with the artist-centered organization Appalshop located in the Appalachian coalfields.  Barret is the recipient of a Rockefeller Foundation Film/Video/Multimedia Fellowship, NEA Southeast Media Fellowship, and Kentucky Arts Council Al Smith Fellowship in Media Arts.  Her work has been screened at venues worldwide and supported by the Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, Ford Foundation, Independent Television Service (ITVS), Kentucky Foundation for Women, John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, National Endowment for the Arts, NEH, Soros Documentary Fund, and others.  The award-winning Stranger with a Camera (2000), a self-reflexive exploration regarding issues of media representation, premiered at the Sundance Film Festival, was selected for PBS broadcast on the series P.O.V., and presented at 21C Museum, Anthology Film Archives, Film Streams cinema, Guggenheim Museum, MoMA, Museum of Fine Art, Houston, Pacific Film Archive, and Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, among other venues.