The Last Shovel Maker (1974)

About the Film

Harvey Ward, age 87, carves beautiful grained shovels with a double edged axe.

Jack: “After directing “With These Hands: The Rebirth of the American Craftsman” for ABC and Johnson Wax, it won a blue ribbon blue ribbon at the American Film Festival. The New York State Council on the Arts saw that and asked if I’d do a picture about New York State craftsmen. I was writing “Portraits of Our Vanishing Inheritance” after seeing a handmade wooden shovel in an small upstate museum. That’s when I connected with Harvey Ward. I drove out to Sidney, NY and saw old, bent, tough Harvey standing on a pile of wood chips, holding a huge axe. I knew I had the picture at that moment. The NEH, the NY Council and some others came on board and “Inheritance” resulted.”


For licensing, film rights and permissions, contact Jack Ofield, the distributor, or Folkstreams.
