Featured Films
Stoney Knows How1981 | 29minsStoney Knows How1981 | 29minsStoney Knows How is an extended interview with \'Stoney\' St. Clair, an ebullient little man with the gift of gab of a circus tout and a fund of bizarre stories about tattooing…
Sometimes It‘s Gonna Hurt1983 | 27minsSometimes It‘s Gonna Hurt1983 | 27minsBull-riding rodeo boys of Oklahoma!
Toot Blues2009 | 1h 14minsToot Blues2009 | 1h 14minsWall to wall blues from unheralded artists. The film gives a glimpse of what is being lost and Tim Duffy's heroic efforts to document the passing.
Limestone1998 | 28minsLimestone1998 | 28minsThis film documents three key dimensions of limestone in the Midwest; the cutting, the carving and the production of limestone gravestones. Also considered are the ancillary…
Amish: A People of Preservation1975 | 54minsAmish: A People of Preservation1975 | 54minsThe Amish keep surprising their technology-programmed neighbors by keeping alive ways and beliefs that many modern Americans wish they could recapture. Mennonite historian John…